We give you our Full attention so that you get the results you deserve.
Photo of Theresa Gilbert and Haley Damron

Wages And Income Benefits For Injured Workers

The attorneys at Gilbert Law Group PLLC are skilled in injury and workers’ compensation law. With more than 30 combined years of experience representing injured workers, they can make sure you are paid correctly through workers’ compensation.

Attorneys Haley Damron and Theresa C. Gilbert will:

  • Monitor your situation throughout the process
  • Handle all the paperwork
  • And provide protection for you from harassing insurance representatives

When a doctor says that you are at maximum medical improvement, we can help you look at settlement possibilities. If your injury results in a permanent disability, we can help you file for Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits as well as submit a claim about your disability.

What Are The Kentucky Disability Income Benefits?

These SSD claims may be any of the following (as covered by Kentucky SSI):

  • Temporary total disability (TTD): These benefits will provide you with two-thirds of your average weekly wage that you were receiving prior to your injury (with maximum and minimum amounts taken into account based on when your injury occurred).
  • Temporary partial disability (TPD): If you are able to continue doing some work during your recovery period, you may still be eligible to receive supplemental income.
  • Permanent total disability (PTD): These benefits are awarded to workers who are unable to return to any type of work. They are awarded at the same rate as the TTD benefits and will be given to you until you reach the age of 70.
  • Permanent partial disability (PPD): The amount of supplementary income you receive for this type of designation will vary depending on the extent of your disability. The formula for determining this type of compensation is complicated and often requires the help of a professional workers’ compensation lawyer.

The goal of the attorneys at Gilbert Law Group PLLC is getting you the maximum benefit for your injury no matter its severity.

A Firm That Values Communication

Any offer from your insurance company will be promptly shared and discussed with you. The team works directly with you to effectively support you in your injury. If your claim is denied because your employer does not acknowledge that your injury occurred at work, they prepare for trial.

We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Get Paid

Gilbert Law Group PLLC’s attorneys offer free initial consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. There are no attorneys’ fees unless your attorney secures workers’ compensation for you. Attorneys Gilbert and Damron want to be the allies you need in your fight for appropriate compensation.

Contact Gilbert Law Group PLLC in Lexington by using our online contact form or calling 859-908-1274 for assistance in recovering lost wages and securing workers’ compensation income benefits.