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Photo of Theresa Gilbert and Haley Damron

What You Should Know About Slip-And-Falls

The pain and suffering of a slip-and-fall accident can drain your bank account while complicating your life. If the accident was due to the fault of others, you shouldn’t have to suffer the financial burden on top of the pain and suffering.

The attorneys Gilbert Law Group PLLC offer free consultations so that they can hear you out. You will work together with your legal team to pursue your deserved compensation.

How To Prove Premises Liability In A Slip-And-Fall Accident

The entire premise of “premises liability law” is that the owner of the establishment where you fell may be responsible for your injury. Property owners can be held liable for:

  • Failing to maintain their property
  • Rips, bubbles or loose edges on carpet
  • Stairs that are uneven or do not have a hand railing
  • Slippery snow or ice on steps or walkways
  • Neglected spills
  • Items left in walkways
  • Uncovered cords that caused a trip hazard

The details of these incidents are very important when trying to establish liability.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Slip-And-Fall Accidents?

There are a variety of reasons why one might slip and fall at any given time, but there are some common causes that could and should be prevented:

  • Uneven flooring: Businesses have the responsibility of properly maintaining their floors to ensure that visitors don’t trip and fall.
  • Snow or ice: While snow and ice can’t be prevented, walkways should be salted and shoveled to stay safe.
  • Spills: Water, grease or other types of liquids can easily cause someone to fall.
  • Flooding: Flooding should be avoided by using well-maintained drainage systems and gutters. If flooding does occur, the area should either be blocked off or cleaned up.
  • Uneven or rough surfaces in business parking lots: An iron bar sticking out of the concrete can easily lead to a trip-and-fall in a parking lot.

Falls from these common causes can result in fractured bones, back injuries, sprains, bruising or even traumatic brain injuries.

Get Started Right Away

Gilbert Law Group PLLC’s attorneys have the experience with slip-and-falls to make a significant impact on your case. Contact the firm to discuss your case by calling 859-908-1274 or filling out this online contact form.