Skilled Guidance For Workers’ Compensation Cases
If you’ve been hurt on the job, not only is your physical recovery on the line, but your livelihood and future ability to provide for your family are at stake as well. Many accidents in the workplace are avoidable if appropriate precautions are taken. If your injury was caused by negligence or carelessness, you may be eligible for compensation.
Making sure you retain the counsel of an experienced workplace accident attorney could make a difference in getting the compensation you and your family need as you work to recover from the accident. The attorneys at Gilbert Law Group PLLC are a reliable and experienced team in Lexington that is ready to assist you with your case.
Income And Medical Benefits In Kentucky
The costs of caring for an injury can be substantial. In addition to the immediate expenses of seeking care, many other costs add up. Medications, follow-up appointments or therapies are a few of the expenses an employee may have to deal with. Additionally, the inability to work could amount to a loss of income.
Gilbert Law Group PLLC’s attorneys will consider all these expenses and submit the appropriate information to insurance adjusters.
The team’s extensive experience practicing in this area of law means that they understand all the costs that an injured party may incur. Attorneys can guide you through the process of calculating these costs, filing for benefits and recovering the appropriate compensation.
Communication Matters
The back-and-forth nature of any workers’ compensation claim can be difficult for anyone to manage. Communication is the key to navigating these sometimes-troubled waters.
Your employer or their insurance provider may decide your injury is not severe enough and deny your claim outright. You’ll need experienced attorneys who can be ready to take your case to trial and prepared to provide aggressive representation in the courtroom.
There Is No Replacement For Experience
Some firms practice law, have little success and still maintain a good income. That is not the case for the attorneys of Gilbert Law Group PLLC. The team leverages 30 combined years of experience in workers’ compensation results for the benefit of your claim. Contact the firm today at 859-908-1274 or through email.